1. How do I become an IBEW member?

If you have previous experience in the electrical field contact the Local’s Membership Development Director. If you are interested in the Apprenticeship program contact the BNJATC

2. Are the benefits good? 

The local participates in a multi-employer health insurance plan that covers the entire family. The local also is part of several pension plans depending on your job classification. 

3. Will I work all the time?

Construction work is seasonal. There can slow periods of work, where an individual could be laid off. These individuals would be eligible for unemployment benefits. There are also times when work is plentiful, when an individual could be working overtime. 

4. Will I work for the same employer forever?

Not necessarily. It can happen if that employer has enough work. If an employer runs out of work they will lay you off. After you are laid off you return to the Union Hall to get your next job. When you are a Journeyman Wireman you can travel anywhere in the U.S. or Canada to work. To some, being able to travel and work is a great way to see the Country.